Friday, April 23, 2010

The Art Nichols Program II

by Art Nichols

Today, as I was clearing a new spot for planting, I thought about the first day Tilly and I decided to incorporate agriculture and farming into our program. I call it the Art Nichols program
This program is a kinda make the rules as you go program. Its original format was:
1 DON'T do any more drugs
2 Rely on someone else for support
3 Have faith to do what you want through Jesus Christ, in God
4 Walk to the gate
This time the Art Nichols program was more, co-produced, so to speak. The very second Tilly and I decided to go through with going on the wagon, we both constructed the foundation of our program. Likewise, when items were added to the list, the addition was made with both of us creating, revising and agreeing on the new rule. Both of us probably thought at that moment we would have to hold each other to these rules at times, it goes without saying. Then we added:
5 Have a goal and work towards it everyday this was to relieve some of the urge to fall off the wagon.
6 The most special part of this recipe for the both of us is planting, sowing seeds, and taking clippings.
All of these items is what created, our "baby" as we call it, grow some vegetables for a farm stand and even if we don't make money we use all the work we do to go towards being able to have a larger scale pumpkin growing business next year and what we hope is the real kicker start a year after year Christmas tree business.

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