Wednesday, April 21, 2010

this is art?

by Art Nichols
Hi my name is Arturo Nichols everyone calls me Art. I've done everything, like that commercial that the rock group KISS. Yeah thats all ive ever done is what Id tell you if I just met you. Usually when I met someone for the first time the conversation usually topics around, Music or drugs, because, I look like a fat Jonathin Davis from the rock group KORN. As far as for breif descriptions thats the best one for me with the least amount of words. Next I'd probably start listing them off starting with crystal, LSD, heroin, cocaine, and I' save some of the other more illicit drugs for later on in the conversation. Next i would tell you that Id been playing music all my life and can do anything musiucaly. BUT- That was 26 days ago.
Now im operating my first organic farm.

Let me take you back 4 to 5 weeks. Generally speaking, my Method of Destruction, or MOD, was party all the time. Why not I currently reside on what I call a Rancho in Southern California, in a town called Alpine, which is known nationally for the 'Best Climate'. Im known by the practically the whole town, Id like to think that if someoene was talking about me they would say "yeah old Art he's one of the good old boys hes honery likes to do drugs but have you heard him sing?"

Now I would hope someone would say "Art yeah he is still the same but guess what hes doing? Him and his girlfriend stopped doing all the hard shit and are starting up a farm stand - they're growing vegetables!"

If someone was to tell me that 26 days ago i would have died laughing.

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