Thursday, April 22, 2010

28 nights ago

by Art Nichols

Within my last 24 hour period of fast-drug use I had Slammed a big issue in the casino once smoked the crystal pipe 3 or 4 times scraped up everything with residue and then consolidated into one syringe load. Then got so depressed that i was crying at the end of the road trying to wave down cars so I could get a cigarette to smoke. On top of having my girlfriend leaving me at home twice, once after I pushed her and slammed her hand into the door, cutting one of her fingers, and secondly me throwing the keys at her car as she spins out of our yard in it in angrily after me yelling. Plus having not one but two- "people on the couch", with a side order of at least 2 or 3 32 oz. beers, passing out after making spaghetti, then, being woke up to someone who brings some cocaine over and then doing a 15 unit shot of that just before going to look for some crystal. Following up with picking up someone and bringing them over to my house whom my girlfriend told me I cant have over and doing another 10 cent issue with her. I remember drinking gin and juice a few times and having a couple swallows of some new flavor yagermeister. The real bad one was i came within inches of doing a syringe load of stuff that i did NOT know what it was, I had found it on a plate in the bathroom, and thinking it was crystal pulled it up in a syringe and put it down because I was not sure what it was. I went as far as calling my friend to see if my girlfriend who had just ditched me at home was still with him to ask her what was on the plate. Turns out she already dropped him off so after I hung up the phone i licked the plate and after deciding that whatever it was it was not dope, then squirting it down the sink drain I started questioning my sanity. It turned out to be left over stuff from hair mousse. I finished out the 24 hour period with a 10 cent issue(just enough to make me comfortable enough to go to sleep) in-between my girlfriend and I arguing about everything.........we agreed on one thing that 24 hours ..............


It was then that we decided to quit slamming crystal, quit crystal all the way around and quit doing crazy stuff.

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