Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rainy Reminising

by Tilly Nichols
Today is rainy on El Rancho Be Damned, and testing my patience a bit. Since quitting Meth 26 days ago, my entire existence has been based mostly on the farm. You know this whole thing is odd on so many levels. First off, I thought I would die without dope, and Im better than ever and Im only 26 days clean. The other part that is weird, is that my whole life I hated outdoor chores. I would just wanna die as a kid if my parents asked me to water the garden...and other than a few afternoons making myself clean yard on the rez so the kisd wouldnt get snake bit, I was never one you'd find doing outside stuff. I did always love tweaking out on hkes but make a sensible reason for being outside and youd never find me there. If something needed to be done and I was most likely in the kitchen. Thats where my niche has always been. Ands thats where I am today. The familiar scent of Tilly cooking fills the rainy can feel the slight anticipation and irritation from fence to fence today. Even the cats and birds seem all to ready for the cold to break and farming and Freddy Fender Tunes
to resume. But then all are soothed by the swirling evidence of Arroz con Pollo, and Old Movies

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