Friday, April 23, 2010

April Showers

by Tilly Nichols

The sun has returned on the Rancho. Enough looking back on times that will puzzle me for plenty of days to come, and now is time to celebrate the sun. Since the rain we have noticed the mini corn patch is up. There are definately mighty max 100 lb pumpkin babies, although I m not sure which one is them, and a tiny nastursium sprout, oh and sunflower babies. I added coffee to my routine. I remember coffee being a stimulant before I ruined my system with toxic household chemicals claiming to be my wake up call haha. I better eat with it though, my system is acting all virgin to everything. I am 30 days clean tomorrow, and I feel about 9 years old I tell you. I am so thrilled about the baby plants, but for some weird reason its reminding me of the owl baby. sigh.

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