Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Baby owl died today.

by Tilly Nichols
The day ended somberly on the Rancho. We have been watching a mama owl nest in the tree by the shed for weeks and finally her eggs had hatched. The other day we saw a perfect adorable baby white owl wiggling around up in the nest. To me this owl symbolized rebirth, and the fight to regain my parental rights. Even Mom and Johnnie were excited by this baby bird, so when Art and I found its tiny body below the tree getting firewood this evening, it was a blow to all of us. The death of the baby owl left its gloom on us this evening and weve decided to end the work day early, and take the Lords day in rest tomorrow as well. We are both feeling introspective and a bit nostalgic.....maybe we will share some memories and drink tea and bloody Mary's and build the blog tonight and tomorrow. Church tomorrow too. Mom seems so happy with us and I feel much better with her frrling good about us being on the Rancho at all. This is signified, by an onslaught of gifts, ranging from costco meatballs to sioux pottery and family heirlooms. They even gave us the hillside AND a new hose to cultivate that much more land. So many seeds and hopes are laid in the ground and tonight I had to calm the thought that "What if everything we touch dies, or what if Moms fears are confirmed and this labor of loveand symbol of our sobriety just withers or even worse the seeds just dont come up....the nastersiums are only a a week behind moms and nothing yet,when will we see life anew? When will I be sober long enough to see my kids.? When I go to court will the judge see how hard I am trying to do right and help me? So many big questions raised by this tiny owl.

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