Wednesday, May 12, 2010

im back

by Art Nichols

Of course, since the news of my moms, allowing us to plant as much as we want, I've been busy from the time I wake up to the time I rest before shutting my eyes for the night. Here I am though, to proudly announce the arrival of many blessings. The really big one have been briefly, the opening of at least 4 more areas to plant and seed. Plus, the arrival of some needy "rescue plants" as well. Not to mention more seeds popping out of the ground, but most to mention as of this moment is the newest plan of attack, so to speak, we've decided to try making and stock-piling adobe walk-way stones. I just came across the idea and both of us agreed upon the production part and we both have high hopes on what is to come of what we decided. For now, we are on the second day of production, and we both have started to go through the numbers and extent of what we can provide as a service to the public.

From where I am sitting the sky is the limit and this is the best time I've had just staying at home and living life, for a good number of years. Upon writing those words and reflecting ever since I changed my views on life and got closer to God and living according to what I think his plans are for me, to this point, every year becomes more enjoyable than the last and my horizons are without visual accompaniment. They reach as far as my realistic, touchable, future extends.

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