Saturday, May 15, 2010

The face of confidence and the biggest sundog ever


Today Mom and Johnnie are coming home to the Rancho...I thought I would be bummed, to lose the freedom and quiet, but Im so excited to see them. I missed them, I was worried for them and they are bringing us a fitting souvenir!!!!


It is only just after 8 in the morning and I am already done making cofee and posting blogs, Art is in bed being cuddly...... Sitting out here in the living room I can hear him yawning and giggling at the TV. He comforts me, and makes me laugh, tests me, stimulates my mind...and...hehe...never mind eh? I guess Im just so blessed, I am filled with love and gratitude and While I was looking at these pictures to post I realized how truly happy I am. I dont think I have ever been so true to myself and I have never met a family truer to me. This farm is so much more than a business idea or a distraction from drugs...this farm symbolizes everything I dreamed but never found. I miss my kids but thanks to sobriety and the fairness of the US justice system as long as I keep my head on straight, I will see them soon. Love, God, and Time are on my side. What I cant fix they will. I lost everything I ever loved over drugs and alcohol....but I have faced my guilt and and I have been to the mountaintop....also check out this sunny day rainbow or "sun-dog" as I call it....remember in genisis, rainbows stand for the new covenant between God and Noah....its a peace symbol....of pain and turmoil and punishment ending and fruitful plenitude beginning which is just the way I was feeling... can you tell I am studying Genesis haha....reading it with a vigor, over and over....strange huh? Church tomorrow.... And so many good things are COMING UP! I dont say it often enough, but Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

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