Monday, May 31, 2010

by Art Nichols

Today is May 31, Memorial Day.  Today Tilly and I harvested these white radishes. All the sudden they got big. Yep, today is a good day.  We both have reached 67 days clean of hard drugs and life is great and it gets better every day.  Together, Tilly and I are an unstoppable team.  I would have never believed we could do the things we are doing.  I only would have daydreamed this and then wrote off the image as fast as I focused on whatever was going on. Dreams do come true.--Our cats are like our kids they are brother and sister and they love each other. They hunt together and watching them explore the world is one of the funnest things to do.  Here's an excellent picture of some small box blue agave and mostly some variegated American agave.  We were hoping possibly to trade them for a goat.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 55

by Tilly
I got my first rose bush today. Mom gave it to me. I wanted one so bad after taking care of hers while she was away. I also replanted the dead watermelon hill with lemon cucumbers that we "rescued" oh and the cats caught a rabbit. On a less positive note, although nothing is really wrong here or with me, I am a little overwhelmed, and a bit lonely. I spend most of my days outside by myself.... my plants are my only friends. I still have 20 rescue plants to put in the dirt. I might be better off with plants as friends. Art is cranky, irritable and tired. I broke his mic, and it seems like anything I do doesnt cheer him up much anymore and that makes it hard for me to cheer up.... I know every day cant be perfect... but I am used to us being kind of manic happy and this flat line middle ground is weird for me. Such is life as a bipolar eh? Im asking the pastor to give me piano lessons tomorrow. I wonder how that will go. I better head outside before my babies out there die. I hope something comes along and makes day 55 a little less lame.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Brussels Sprouts?


Before yesterday I thought they were called "Brussel Sprouts" but now I know they are called Brussels Sprouts...I never really cared about them one way or another.... and now I have 300 plants of them. They are "rescue" plants from the dumpster behind the nursery. Art brought them home along with like 100 broccoli and cauliflower and 25 cucumbers and a few melons. We planted till dark and now own a "Brussels" forest. Each plant will yield about 100 sprouts..meaning we expect 30,000 sprouts or 3 lbs per plant 900 lbs of baby Brussels..... oh Lordy what have we begun?!!!!!

First Fruits

by Art Nichols

HALLELUJAH, Heres some of our "first fruits"!!!!! Radishes to be exact. My overall grade I would give them would be an 'A', next time--We can't help but bring in 'A+' radishes all day long.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

DAY 51

The face of confidence and the biggest sundog ever


Today Mom and Johnnie are coming home to the Rancho...I thought I would be bummed, to lose the freedom and quiet, but Im so excited to see them. I missed them, I was worried for them and they are bringing us a fitting souvenir!!!!


It is only just after 8 in the morning and I am already done making cofee and posting blogs, Art is in bed being cuddly...... Sitting out here in the living room I can hear him yawning and giggling at the TV. He comforts me, and makes me laugh, tests me, stimulates my mind...and...hehe...never mind eh? I guess Im just so blessed, I am filled with love and gratitude and While I was looking at these pictures to post I realized how truly happy I am. I dont think I have ever been so true to myself and I have never met a family truer to me. This farm is so much more than a business idea or a distraction from drugs...this farm symbolizes everything I dreamed but never found. I miss my kids but thanks to sobriety and the fairness of the US justice system as long as I keep my head on straight, I will see them soon. Love, God, and Time are on my side. What I cant fix they will. I lost everything I ever loved over drugs and alcohol....but I have faced my guilt and and I have been to the mountaintop....also check out this sunny day rainbow or "sun-dog" as I call it....remember in genisis, rainbows stand for the new covenant between God and Noah....its a peace symbol....of pain and turmoil and punishment ending and fruitful plenitude beginning which is just the way I was feeling... can you tell I am studying Genesis haha....reading it with a vigor, over and over....strange huh? Church tomorrow.... And so many good things are COMING UP! I dont say it often enough, but Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


im back

by Art Nichols

Of course, since the news of my moms, allowing us to plant as much as we want, I've been busy from the time I wake up to the time I rest before shutting my eyes for the night. Here I am though, to proudly announce the arrival of many blessings. The really big one have been briefly, the opening of at least 4 more areas to plant and seed. Plus, the arrival of some needy "rescue plants" as well. Not to mention more seeds popping out of the ground, but most to mention as of this moment is the newest plan of attack, so to speak, we've decided to try making and stock-piling adobe walk-way stones. I just came across the idea and both of us agreed upon the production part and we both have high hopes on what is to come of what we decided. For now, we are on the second day of production, and we both have started to go through the numbers and extent of what we can provide as a service to the public.

From where I am sitting the sky is the limit and this is the best time I've had just staying at home and living life, for a good number of years. Upon writing those words and reflecting ever since I changed my views on life and got closer to God and living according to what I think his plans are for me, to this point, every year becomes more enjoyable than the last and my horizons are without visual accompaniment. They reach as far as my realistic, touchable, future extends.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Im a happy housewife.

By Tilly
I am consumed by the little joys in womens lives, like feeding my man, doin bucket laundry....I love the smell of laundry, and hand washing reminds me to stop and enjoy little things like that. I am feeling old timey, like sewing and gardening's and canning. Art is such a wonderful man, and I enjoy serving him. About 50 % of womens lib is crap...I enjoy serving my hard workin loving man. I need his guidance. I get myself into as the sheriff said Sunday "pickles" left to my own devices. I know its mentioned in the bible too....I truly am beginning to feel like he has earned my total trust as the pants in this family. No fear, he hasnt let it go to his head....he treats me with total honor and respect and love...he deserves to be loved and served. Its my privilege. I love you Art...but can you post soon...this is my 6th post without your input....ok back to work for me. This is my bible quote for the week
proverbs 31:10-31

10 A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.

11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.

12 She brings him good, not harm,
all the days of her life.

13 She selects wool and flax
and works with eager hands.

14 She is like the merchant ships,
bringing her food from afar.

15 She gets up while it is still dark;
she provides food for her family
and portions for her servant girls.

16 She considers a field and buys it;
out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.

17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.

18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
and her lamp does not go out at night.

19 In her hand she holds the distaff
and grasps the spindle with her fingers.

20 She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy.

21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.

22 She makes coverings for her bed;
she is clothed in fine linen and purple.

23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
and supplies the merchants with sashes.

25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

26 She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.

28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:

29 "Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."

30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

31 Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

John Deere vs. Ford Fusion....

By Tilly

Well today was Gods day, and a the second Sunday in a row we had to play it loud and sing even louder It was also mothers day. And its Arts John Deere day.... I concede the loss Arts the Boss...hehe I won't explain it all....but it was heavy and blessed and I am in a very odd mood. Is there anybody out there? I need an e mail....someone? . Oh yeah we need seeds....vegetable seeds...again....panic.....more planting.....more everything. Art and I are on fire.....Day 45 was good.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Settling in

By Tilly
If the last few weeks was a moving in period, this week is the settling in era. We plant less feverishly, we water religiously, we ache constantly, and IM drinking over a pot of coffee a day. Art doesn't drink coffee....but he insists on tea, even when its been left in the sun too long and starts becoming some sort of bubbly grain alcohol...I mowed the front field today for the first time...its a long itchy tedious process.... the dog and birds are on schedule...the fish is fat, the cats are lizard crazy and the rabbits are trying to move in on the cucumber fields...the transplanted sage died..the white rose bugs had aphids so I sprayed em with some oil shit they left in the shed....the new zucchini popped up, the watermelons finally are coming in, just as we layed in the new plot of them. The top side radishes and BEETS are up too, the middle crop radishes are well along and the bottom ones are edible. The tomatoes are all strong, the eggplants are getting eateen by some bug... the elephant ear is wilty and in shock but alive, the cala Lilly is 18 inches high......the peas are all making spirally feelers to climb with, our beans are going to be worthy of the giant and good old jack....fee fi fo fum...hehe...the pumpkins on the first bed are all 4-6 leaves long, and last night we planted 3 more packs....we made essentialOIL TODAY FROM ROSEMARY AND EUCALYPTUS AND LAVENDER AND MINT. the front fence plot is a desert AND BORING TO WATER...BUT THERES SO MANY SUNFLOWERS AND THE PUMPKINS ARE IN THE GROUND.... art DID A NEW CORNFIELD TODAY... and I turned the cornfield into a swamp when i forgot the sprinkler cuz we were jamming karaoke in the house singing at the top of our lungs...i actually sand till i was sweaty and breathless and dizzy for the first time in my life..l love how Art frees me...when I am around him and especially when its just the two of us for a few days here on the ranch i begin to lose all inhibition and soar to places I only dreamed and thought i was unprivileged to be ALLOWED....SELF ESTEEM ISSUES ALL THE WAY FROM THE LATE 70S...FUNNY HOW WE HOLD BAGGAGE FOR SO LONG AND FINALLY CAN LET IT GO.......the therapy of music and plants and hard hard work is amazing......I am looking forward to church tomorrow. What a blessed week. Rancho bedamned is my milagro......

Thursday, May 6, 2010

one more thing

We got our first comment..maybe our second reader, annie oak leaves....who inspired me to do a lot of this awesome stuff left me a very uplifting comment on my "my family" post. Today is also my youngest daughters birthday....bittersweet for me as I am without her, and her without me....soon babies, im doing all I can....tears only fall but prayers instead of crying for her and I today...pray for us today....AMAYA GRACE happy birthday and I love you.

Blog Block

By Tilly Nichols

Heres the problem...well I think its a problem, heehe....I have blog block....I cant seem to come inside for more than a minute at a time. Then when I do we had a virus on the computer and everything was dinosaur slow online...and simply the farm is taking all my attention....theres plants everywhere...they are dry, then they get sick or some get rabbits or gophers or diseases or need trellis fences etc..always weeds to pull, and never a dull moment in the dirt.....then the fact I cook so much means we never have an empty sink..but call me sloppy but its messy bein this cool. talk about the hostess with the most-est....those of you who know how to get here, and wanna get down n dirty with us better get on over here for some carnitas, and have this fiesta with us......its party time...well pork roast time at least....we can burn some sage and sing some karaoke....its a day to celebrate all things living....and of course day 42 on this wagon turned rocket ship....hehe.... I'm high on sunshine.....hope to see y'all soon.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

it rained again II we did it!

by Art Nichols

Today is cinco de mayo. It has been a number of days since my last post. Mostly because our efforts have paid off and the goal of starting a farm stand is within range, so to speak. Our labor has been noted and the success of seed pushing through the ground with baby plants is evident. My mother whom owns the land we farm on has given us the green light to expand as many areas as we can into farmable plots. I myself am amazed. It is hard to believe what both Tilly and I have accomplished, in merely 5 weeks. The proof is in the pictures. To those whom are wondering, Tilly wants to post and has been wanting to for days but cant seem to pull away from our beautiful garden.