Thursday, June 24, 2010

More Pumpkins Please

The day after tomorrow is the last possible date to plant pumpkins for the season. Any later and the crop will suffer. I have one last packet of seeds. For me planting pumpkins has been so fun, and meant so much to me . The last few months would have been much harder  had I not  found my love for pumpkin farming. Art and I are 91 days clean today, and we are super involved in the farm, and Art is really busy collecting old bottles he and Eric are digging up from the old root cellar his dad buried in the 50's. Rabbits ate all the cantaloupes and beans. They too must be in the ground within 48 hours or so, if I want them to do good. I cant believe how fast the days go by. I have been watching the lunar cycle this month, because I see the moon every afternoon rising above my garden. It was such a sliver and now almost full again. Art is too busy with all the cool bottles to blog much....but me him, and mango and melon are all happy healthy and enjoying these first few days of summer. 

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