Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Imagine that


Today I stayed indoors most of the day. That almost never happens. Tomorrow we have to work, so it will be two days I haven't been in the garden. Even though I have let up on the hard labor some, we are eating our ranch grown veggies now. We have had lemons, radishes, beets, sugar peas, jalapeno, Serrano, basil, mint, and zucchini. I have been trying to get the house in order, and the kitchen has taken days. I can hardly imagine we are on day 83. A week away from the elusive 9o days. It has been awesome. I find so much joy in our simple life. Even the earthquake last night hardly messed with me like usual. Tomorrow will be hot and our job doing manual labor gets tough, but the money is nice, and anything we do together is bearable. I made Art a great bag lunch, and mint iced lemon tea all from the garden. 7 hard hours at sunrise. Ill take photos and see y'all tomorrow.

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