Tuesday, August 10, 2010


have so much to write about. We had our first farm stand with Eric this last weekend, and it was a hit. We didn't make much but we all had a great time introducing ourselves to new people and reconnecting with old ones. I am still not 100% from my last hospital stay and to be honest I feel like crap. I think I am honestly going through withdrawals all over again....either  from so long back, or from the hospital drugs. I cant do what I used to outside right now, and I can tell my lack of energy in the farm has affected everyones mojo. I am real tired and I hurt all over. I don't like taking the pills from the hospital.......not just pain ones but blood pressure and blood thinner ones...they make me feel yuck. I want a puppy worse than ever. You know they have proven small dogs cure stroke victims? I want a chihuahua, or Pomeranian, or min-pin ....anyone have a puppy for me? lol.... Art and I are both thinking a lot about our kids. Thats a good sign the drugs are really wearing off for both of us. I know in good time we can work it all out the way God intends it. I'm on dish strike again. I haven't done em in forever. Yuck huh. Although this all sounds rough, we really are doing fine. Hope to see you all on the farm.....we love visitors....

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